Sunday, October 4, 2009


See how the poor countries live

Reaching towards our way of life

Still possessing a modest simplicity

Yet slowly giving way to strife

Consumerism gaining a grip

Dependence taking a strong hold

Better off countries would be

Following growth within their own mold

And intelligent we would be

Incorporating lost knowledge of our past

Into our technological daily routine

Else our downfall will come fast

Imperialist America

Losing the true nature of humanity

Speeding up the world's destruction

On the brink of global insanity

Wake up before the chaos

Reaches a point of no return

Create a sustainable environment

From past mistakes please learn

Stop policing the globe

And spreading a dead end capitalist democracy

Peace and justice will only come

By ending this futile hypocrisy

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I had to turn the radio down

To hear the calling sound

Of my soul

I had to turn off the television

So my eyes could envision

True reality

I had to realize an addiction

Too many to mention

From technology

I had to denounce my possessions

Make materialistic concessions

To feel valuable

I had to travel and get lost

No matter the cost

To understand how others live

I had to share with others

Think of all men as brothers

To be powerful

I had to integrate body and mind

So eventually I could find


Thursday, February 5, 2009


As a youth, the world was ideal

The authority of adults never questioned

Now as an adult, I see how they've failed

And beg to offer a suggestion.

Give up the oil, pick up your trash

Please stop polluting the water

Be more efficient, use common sense

Is my generation so much smarter?

The destruction now obvious

The world becoming more aware

Yet a generation addicted to comfort

Simply refuses to care.

Desensitized to pain, lost in passivity

Thinking technology will save us.

Poor lost souls, so far gone from our origin

Raping everything natural God gave us.